SMS Counseling Team
Julie Comstock, M.Ed
6th Grade Counselor
(970) 368-1228
Brian Tracey
7th Grade Counselor
(970) 368-1282
Ali Pry
8th Grade Counselor
(970) 368-1229
Social & Emotional Skills
Educators intentionally model, teach and integrate these social emotional competencies into their curriculum. Educators will focus on the skills that are necessary for students to access authentic learning.
“I am able to understand my own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence my actions in different situations.”
“I am able to manage my own emotions, thoughts, and actions to achieve my goals.”
“I am able to understand that others’ perspectives are important, and I have the skills to listen and grow from them.”
“I am able to establish and maintain healthy relationships and advocate for myself and those I’m in community with.”
“I can make caring and constructive choices that align with my values.”
Counseling Services
Counselors are available to meet with students for personal, academic, social, or emotional issues.
Conflict is an inevitable part of our lives. Counselors work with students and teach them strategies to resolve conflicts they may have with friends or classmates.
Classroom Guidance
Counselors deliver lessons in the classroom as needed on various topics such as social/emotional learning, character education and career awareness.
Consultative Services
Counselors meet weekly with each of their grade level teaching teams to discuss student concerns. The goal of these meetings is to identify interventions to help your child achieve success at school. Counselors can schedule meetings with the teaching team and parents in order to provide an opportunity for everyone to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the student and help the student become more successful in school.
Counselors are available to consult with parents regarding social/emotional or academic concerns and make referrals to community resources, if necessary.
The counseling team meets weekly with the building principal and vice principals to consult on individual student cases, as well as address building-wide concerns and issues.