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Course Catalog

Summit Middle School Course Catalog

Explore our comprehensive course offerings for the academic year. Click on a topic to view detailed information within the course catalog.


The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP) is a five-year program for grades 6 through 10,  which provides a framework of academic challenge and life skills for all students. Instruction is based on guided  inquiry and conceptual learning. The MYP seeks to develop a well-rounded individual through the Learner Profile and  service to the community. The instructional program includes language and literature, mathematics, science,  humanities (history and geography in particular), world language acquisition, physical education, design, and visual  and performing arts such as music, drama, and painting. All classes are designed to prepare students for the IB  Diploma Program at the high school. Authorization by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) was  received in July 2004. More information about the IBMYP program.

IBMYP – Eight Subjects

The IB Middle Years Program includes eight different content areas. Emphasis is placed on the interrelatedness of  each subject with another. It provides a balanced education that will equip young people for effective participation in  the complex modern world.  

English Language and Literature teaches basic communication enabling one to understand, be understood, and to  establish one’s own identity and is a gateway to literature and the cultural treasury of civilization. The program  includes reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, as well as literature study. Seventh and eighth grade student  placement is based on a body of evidence which may include teacher recommendation. A world literature component  is required each year. 

Language Acquisition (French or Spanish) is to encourage students to gain competency in a modern language other  than their mother tongue, with the long-term goal of balanced bilingualism. Language Acquisition is structured within  years 1-5 (grades 6-10) so that the final aims and objectives set by the IB for this subject are met effectively. We  provide sustained language study in which students study the same language in each of the five years of the MYP, and  the language learning spans the entire school year of each grade level. Students are scheduled into their chosen  language beginning in grade 6/MYP Year 1 and are given the opportunity to develop their language skills to their  fullest potential over the five-year program. An additional language may be added in high school. 

Individuals and Societies (Humanities) 
Geography leads students from an understanding of the immediate environment to an appreciation of spatial  phenomena at regional, national, and global levels. 
 • History stresses the ability to analyze evidence within an international curriculum, to use historical sources in  a critical way, to detect bias and to argue empathetically. Students will develop the capacity to think and write  historically. They will enjoy and value the past for its own sake and as a means by which to understand and  appreciate the present. 

Science is both a body of knowledge and an understanding of the scientific approach to problem solving. In grades 6- 10 science should include general science as well as biology, chemistry, and physics topics. Eighth grade student  placement is based on a body of evidence which may include teacher recommendation. 

Mathematics is a universal language with diverse applications. Objectives include understanding of mathematical  reasoning and processes, the ability to apply mathematics and to evaluate the significance of the results, the ability to  develop flexible strategies for problems in which solutions are not obvious, and the acquisition of mathematical  intuition. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade student placement is based on a body of evidence which may include teacher recommendation. Students must take math classes in successive order and meet prerequisite requirements to go on to  the next level. Algebra and Geometry classes will be offered; however, students must meet necessary prerequisite  requirements (test scores, teacher recommendations).

Arts in the MYP stimulate young imaginations, challenge perceptions and develop creative and analytical skills  through music, theater, and visual arts. 
Physical and Health Education facilitates physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development through cultivating a healthy and active lifestyle for students, acquisition of skills as well as personal hygiene. 

Online Health For students participating in the Academic Athlete Program, or students who cannot participate in PE, they will have the option to participate in a grade-level appropriate online health course.  

Design Cycle is integrated into Individuals and Societies (Humanities) classes. 

Technology covers the foundation for technological literacy and communication and the ability to see material objects  in society as products of skillful human activity focuses on practical solutions human beings have found over time,  making and using things that work to support or enhance various facets of life. Objectives include critical inspection  of technology for social and environmental appropriateness, and benefits, as well as moral issues raised by innovative  developments, and the notion of democratic decision-making as a component in an increasingly technological world. 

In addition, all students will be offered extensions and interventions in various subjects. Some students will be  scheduled into interventions in Reading and/or Math, while others may have an opportunity to take Enrichment classes  in certain subjects. 

6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Required Courses

( *Green/White alternating days)

Core Classes Essential Classes:

English Language and Literature 

Language Acquisition - Spanish or French*


Physical and Health Education *


Arts - Performing or Visual*



Enrichment and/or Intervention Classes

Core Classes

Language Arts 6, 7, 8

Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

Teaches basic communication enabling one to understand, be understood, and to establish one’s own identity and is a gateway to literature and the cultural treasury of civilization. The program  includes reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, as well as literature study. Seventh and eighth grade student placement is based on a body of evidence which may include teacher recommendation. A world literature component is required each year. 

Online Language Arts 6, 7, 8

Corequisite: Enrollment as an Academic Athlete
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

For students who are participating in the Academic Athlete program, students will have the opportunity to choose two classes to take online, in order to accommodate their training schedule. These classes are offered through Edgenuity and are self-paced. Students will cover the same standards that they would in a traditional, in-person class. When their training schedule is complete, students will transition back into in-person learning.

Mathematics 6, 7, 8, 7/8, Algebra I

Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

Mathematics is a universal language with diverse applications. Objectives include understanding of mathematical  reasoning and processes, the ability to apply mathematics and to evaluate the significance of the results, the ability to  develop flexible strategies for problems in which solutions are not obvious, and the acquisition of mathematical  intuition. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade student placement is based on a body of evidence which may include teacher recommendation. Students must take math classes in successive order and meet prerequisite requirements to go on to  the next level. Algebra and Geometry classes will be offered; however, students must meet necessary prerequisite  requirements (test scores, teacher recommendations).

Online Mathematics 6, 7, 8, 7/8, Algebra I

Corequisite: Enrollment as an Academic Athlete 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

For students who are participating in the Academic Athlete program, students will have the opportunity to choose two classes to take online, in order to accommodate their training schedule. These classes are offered through Edgenuity and are self-paced. Students will cover the same standards that they would in a traditional, in-person class.  When their training schedule is complete, students will transition back into in-person learning.

Humanities  6, 7, 8

Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

  • Geography leads students from an understanding of the immediate environment to an appreciation of spatial phenomena at regional, national, and global levels. 
  • History stresses the ability to analyze evidence within an international curriculum, to use historical sources in a critical way, to detect bias and to argue empathetically. Students will develop the capacity to think and write  historically. They will enjoy and value the past for its own sake and as a means by which to understand and  appreciate the present. 

Online Humanities 6, 7, 8

Corequisite: Enrollment as an Academic Athlete 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

For students who are participating in the Academic Athlete program, students will have the opportunity to choose two classes to take online, in order to accommodate their training schedule. These classes are offered through Edgenuity and are self-paced. Students will cover the same standards that they would in a traditional, in-person class. When their training schedule is complete, students will transition back into in-person learning.

Science 6, 7, 8

Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: 6, 7, 8

Science is both a body of knowledge and an understanding of the scientific approach to problem solving. In grades 6- 8 science will include general science as well as biology, chemistry, and physics topics. Eighth grade student placement is based on a body of evidence which may include teacher recommendation. 

Online Science 6, 7, 8

Corequisite: Enrollment as an Academic Athlete
Grade level: 6, 7, 8

For students who are participating in the Academic Athlete program, students will have the opportunity to choose two classes to take online, in order to accommodate their training schedule. These classes are offered through Edgenuity and are self-paced. Students will cover the same standards that they would in a traditional, in-person class. When their training schedule is complete, students will transition back into in-person learning.

Language Acquisition


Prerequisite: Dual Language 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8 

Only for Dual Language students. This class will be taught in Spanish and focus on developing design thinking mindsets. It is designed to improve academic Spanish proficiency while improving problem solving. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 6 

Level 1A in both French and Spanish is the equivalent of the first third of Level I world language at high school. Using IBMYP Global context and Inquiry based instruction, students will perform interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communicative speaking, reading, writing and listening tasks within the novice-low range in the areas of language, culture, comparisons, and connections to other disciplines. Upon completion of French 1A or Spanish 1A, students will take either French 1B or Spanish 1B in Grade 7. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 7 

Level 1B in both French and Spanish is the continuation of Level I world language at high school. Using IBMYP Global context and Inquiry based instruction, students will perform interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communicative speaking, reading, writing and listening tasks within the novice-low to novice mid ranges in the areas of language, culture, comparisons, and connections to other disciplines. Upon completion of French 1B or Spanish 1B, students will take either French 1C or Spanish 1C in Grade 8. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 8 

Level 1C in both French and Spanish is the completion of Level I world language at high school. Using IBMYP Global context and Inquiry based instruction, students will perform interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communicative speaking, reading, writing and listening tasks within the novice-mid to novice high ranges in the areas of language, culture, comparisons, and connections to other disciplines. Upon successful completion of French 1C or Spanish 1C, students are eligible to take either French II or Spanish II in ninth grade. 


Prerequisite: Home language is Spanish
Grade Level: 6, 7, 8 

This course is designed for students that speak Spanish at home but have not participated in the Dual Language program. Students will develop academic Spanish to promote bilingualism and biliteracy.


Prerequisite: Spanish Grade Level: 6, 7, 8
Corequisite: Enrollment in Academic Athlete Program 

Grade Level: 8
Level 1C in both French and Spanish is the completion of Level I world language at high school. Using IBMYP Global context and Inquiry based instruction, students will perform interpersonal, interpretive and presentational communicative speaking, reading, writing and listening tasks within the novice-mid to novice high ranges in the areas of language, culture, comparisons, and connections to other disciplines. Upon successful completion of French 1C or Spanish 1C, students are eligible to take either French II or Spanish II in ninth grade. 


Prerequisite: Level of Biliteracy in Spanish
Grade Level: 6, 7, 8

Literacy extension in Spanish for students continuing towards building their biliteracy in English and Spanish. The course is conducted in Spanish and focused on story telling, self development, and literacy skills in Spanish. 

Performing Arts


  • FLUTE 

Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6 

These courses are designed to teach the basic skills on the listed instruments. No previous music experience or background is required. However, piano background is highly recommended for percussion as they will be on mallets for the 1st semester. A music company, Flesher Hinton, will offer instrument rental and purchase programs at the start of the school year. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6 

This course will introduce students to the basics of singing, musical styles and performance. Beginning note reading and musical terms will be covered. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 & 8 

Study will concentrate on proper vocal techniques, music reading, individual expression, performance and an awareness of your voice as it changes. Literature will include classical, folk, and pop. Prior music experience is not required. 


Prerequisite: 6th and 7th Grade Band Classes
Grade level: 8

These courses are designed for students that have one or more years of experience on their instrument. Students at this level continue to develop technique, knowledge and performance skills. This class will explore a variety of musical styles in a full band setting. This class will offer opportunities to participate in band competitions and field trips to perform. A music company, Flesher Hinton, will offer instrument rental and purchase programs at the start of the school year. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 & 8 

This course is designed to teach piano performance skills at an individualized pace. No previous music experience or background is required, but those with experience are welcome. 


Prerequisite: Beginning Strings or Teacher Approval 
Grade level: 7 

This course is designed to build on the basic skills learned in the 6th grade. The course of study will include continued instruction in string techniques using method books and beginning orchestral music. Students with no prior experience are welcome provided there is a commitment to private lessons. A music company, Flesher Hinton, will offer instrument rental and purchase programs at the start of the school year. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: Prior Strings class or Teacher Approval 
Grade level: 8 

This course will provide intermediate string students exposure to orchestral literature and continue to expand on performance skills specific to string instruments. An intermediate level of performance ability is required for this course. A music company, Flesher Hinton, will offer instrument rental and purchase programs at the start of the school year. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: 6th Grade Flute, Clarinet, Brass, or Percussion
Grade level: 7

Percussion/Band Class

This course is designed for students who have at least one year of experience on their instrument. Students at this level develop their performance skill, knowledge of music reading, and technique on their instrument. This class explores a variety of musical styles in a full band setting. A music company, Flesher Hinton, will offer instrument rental and purchase programs at the start of the school year. Material fee is charged for this course.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 & 8 

This course gives students an introduction to acting. Using acting games, improvisation, and scripted scenes and monologues, students will work with others to analyze, create, and perform short stage works. Students will learn the basics of theater terms and history, play structure, and acting technique. Small performances in front of your classmates will be a part of this class.



Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

The focus of this class is improving skills in using the Elements and Principles of Design. Students will investigate a variety of two-dimensional design concepts including drawing and painting. Students will explore the role of the artist and the use and value of visual art in past and present cultures. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

The focus of this class is improving skills in using the Elements and Principles of Design. Students will investigate a variety of three-dimensional design projects including ceramics, plaster, found objects, and many other types of sculpture making. Students work individually and in groups to create projects. Students will explore the role of the artist and the use and value of visual art in past and present cultures. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8
This class is for students who enjoy drawing and painting and would like to improve their skills in color mixing, shading, drawing people and objects using styles from famous artists in history. Students will review the Elements and Principles of Design. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8 

This class is for students who enjoy sculpting and model making and would like to improve their skills in modeling, carving, and constructing real and imaginary objects. Students will review the Elements and Principles of Design. Students will investigate using clay and other media and will explore the role of the artist and the use and value of visual art in past and present cultures. Material fee is charged for this course. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6 

Sixth grade students will take either one class or two classes of Visual Arts. Both classes are compatible, and can be taken interchangeably in the Fall or Spring semester. Students will explore concepts of visual design through drawing, painting and sculpture projects. Students will learn the Elements of Design and use a variety of art materials and techniques. This class serves as a foundation for future art courses in the 7th & 8th grades. 



Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8 

Students interested in visual media, public speaking, and video editing should sign up for 
broadcasting class. Topics for production teams may include: planning, basic equipment, researching, script writing, studio production, recording, editing, ethics and safety. This class will create the video announcements for the entire school. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8 

This class is designed around 3-project-based jobs that are in high demand in the tech field. Jobs such as aerospace engineering, coder/programmer, and drone pilot. Students will work on 3 projects throughout their time in the class. They will design and operate a hand-crafted rocket. They will code a computer chip for a school scavenger hunt project, and they will design a movie using drones to show and welcome incoming 5th graders in the county.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

Students will be working with introduction level “block” coding to curate their own video game designs and designing components that go along with video game designing, such as but not limited to making their own controllers. Students will use modern technologies such as drones to code their way through mazes and eventually be introduced to Javascript and python coding styles using Microbits and Raspberry Pi’s.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

In this course you'll learn the fundamental principles of graphic design like imagemaking, typography, composition, working with color and shape – foundational skills that form the base in all areas of graphic design. Material fee is charged for this course.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8 

Next Level Tech will deepen the skills and knowledge gained in 7th grade. Students will use advanced level video and editing software to create a stop motion video, as well as a sound and music editing program to create a podcast. Advanced level Robotics will be another focus of this class. Technology use will focus on innovation and creation. Creativity and problem solving is an emphasis in digital media and Robotics. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

This class is designed for students who are interested in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Students will learn coding as well as other project based learning opportunities focusing on various STEM topics like robotics and medical innovations. STEM class offers a place where students can build skills and prepare to delve further into the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in the future


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6 

This full course will include formatting and technology stations. In the tech lab students will be introduced to a variety of lab stations involving mechanized model building, graphic design, electric and pneumatic circuits, compressional strength testing and much more. The formatting portion of the class will cover basic word formatting, photo editing and graphics applications, and keyboarding practice.



Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 6 

Trails and bikes and snowshoes, oh my! Take this course to have outdoor adventures anytime! 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 6 

Let's take a break from the constant pressure of school, social networks, sports, and spend time 
focusing on YOU. Learn: How to get respect by Giving Value, and How to Identify Toxic Relationships, 52 weeks of Happiness, and more. Learn and explore the secrets of the top achieving people in the fields of art, science, and sports. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 6 

Design, and the development of new technologies, has given rise to amazing changes in society: transforming how we access and process information; how we adapt to our environment; how we communicate with others; how we are able to solve problems; how we work and live. Design is the link between innovation and creativity, exploring possibilities and creating solutions.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 7 

Want to learn how to present formal arguments? Or just learn how to argue with your family members and WIN?! Take debate to learn how. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 6 

Take this class if you are interested in being a productive member of your community! Through the use of Design Thinking, you will look at potential solutions for different issues within our communities. Design thinking allows you to build understanding of different perspectives, truly understand how you might create positive change, build creative problem solving, and become innovative community members. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 & 8 

Take this class if you are interested in being a productive member of your community! Through the use of Design Thinking, you will look at potential solutions for different issues within our communities. Design Thinking allows you to build understanding of different perspectives, truly understand how you might create positive change, build creative problem solving, and become innovative community members. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8 

Gaming is a favorite form of entertainment for people all over the world, of all ages and backgrounds. From Minecraft and Fortnite to D&D, roleplaying to strategy games, many people choose to game in their free time. In this class, you will develop new problem solving skills through a variety of games and scenarios. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 & 8 

This Design class seeks to solve real-world problems with innovation and creativity. Students will use the Design Cycle to create prototypes, develop collaboration skills, and explore solutions to a variety of real-world issues. Integrating the Design Cycle into everyday solutions is the key-concept of this class.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 & 8 

Jump, bike, move, and dance your way to fun and fitness with this cross-training course. This class is designed to explore non-traditional forms of exercise and sport that are not offered through P.E. Students must have an open mind and be willing to try new things out of their comfort zone in order to experience a wide variety of training methods. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6, 7, 8

Do you love math? Do you wish you could have more than one math class? This class is for students who want to explore math and want to deepen their understanding. Students will work in teams to tackle projects and develop mathematical solutions to real world challenges.


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 8 

We will be exploring and analyzing character transformation through the mediums of literature and film. Come ready to dive deep into rich stories and engage with peers as we discuss literature on a deeper level. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6

Join other 6th Graders who are passionate readers, writers and performers. The class focuses on what makes people who they are, reading adult short stories, making tough decisions, and telling personal stories. Express yourself through podcasts, puppet shows, shadow plays, presentations, and time one-on-one with a microphone. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

Are you interested in learning about cultures and different perspectives in fun and interactive ways? Explore identities and culture through books, movies and multiple genres! Designed for students who enjoy reading and writing and would like to spend more time analyzing and discussing literature in general. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade Level: 8 

Do you want to understand why there is conflict around the world? This class will help you gain understanding, empathy and perspective through looking at personal stories around global conflict. 


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 6 

Do you need another chance to get your body moving? This class will provide students with another option to be outside and enjoy beautiful Summit County!


Prerequisite: None 
Grade level: 7 

Love being outdoors? Want to learn the skills you need to enjoy the mountains surrounding our community? Learn knots, shelter building, topographic map reading, compass orientation, fire building, group leadership and the basics of backpacking.